Tuesday, October 23, 2012

lord of the flies response

  What is happing so far is that a group of boys ended up upon a island because of a plane crash that killed all of the adults and none of the kids. Then two boys named Ralph and Piggy find a conch. they blow into it and it makes a loud noise that summons all the kids on the island. When all the boys are in a group they have a discussion on what they should do now. While their discussing boys in black robes come in and tell them they are from the quire. then they decide to pick a leader. Ralph and Jack nominate themselves and they start the vote. Ralph wins the election and Jack loses. As Ralph's first order he tells everyone that they are building a fire on he highest mountain.

   Him and a few other boys climb up the mountain and start the fire. Then the fire gets out of control and starts to burn down the forest. it burns for a while and then it stops. After a while they have another meeting. During the meeting Piggy jumps up and start yelling about what they should do. After the meeting Jack goes out to hunt pigs when Ralph comes up to him and talks about building huts and how the little ones never work.

   I think the reason why Jack is obsessed with hunting is to look manly. Just to show off and make him look like the big shot.

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