Tuesday, November 1, 2011

civil war certification

  1. the south wanted to take slavery to the west.
  2. Abraham Lincoln was the president during the civil war.
  3. the north was the first to divide.
  4.  He had a great learning curve and he always stuck to his beliefs.
  5. they thought hew would not be a great president.
  6. A man came behind him at a special event and shot him in the head.
  7.  It is a document that would set everyone free.
  8. no it did not instantly set everyone free.
  9. when the north won the war and set everyone free.
  10. when they were out of ammo he changed from deference to offence and attacked with only there bayonets.
  11.  the train was Lincolns secret weapon.


  1. Nikola Tesla is known for the jacups ladder and the Tesla coil
  2. The Tesla coil is used for powering stuff wirerless.
  3. he was trying to power the a bunch of city's off one big Tesla coil with no wires.
  4. Edison tried to make everyone afraid of AC current because if AC current was better than DC he would go bankrupt.
  5. AC goes back and forth in the wires which makes it go farther and dc goes through one wire and comes back to the same genorator though another wire.
  6. Nikola Tesla was friends with mark twain and ambassadors and ballerinas.
  7. He thought using oil and coal was horrible to use.
  8. Nikola Tesla thought we could use energy from the sun and the earths core and he is right.
  9. the video matches about electricity circuits and the light bulbs he made. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


today I did 3 language art lessons and one extinction.

Friday, October 21, 2011


today I did one lesson on my Brooklyn grandmother.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


today I did 2 lessons on  up north and 1 lesson on my Brooklyn grandmother.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


today I did 3 lessons on language arts on the story my brooklen grandmother and Lupita MaƱana.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


today i did 4 lessons on poems by Lesa hunges.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011


today i finished 3 lessons on coal country today.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


today i did 3 lessons on the story far north.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Today I did a lesson on my Brooklyn grandmother.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011


today I did one lesson and also one extra lesson.


today I am going to do one lesson.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

8/10/2011 Big Writing #1

think of a animal that you think would be a great pet for TESLA.explain why the pet that you choose would be a great pet for our school.

If we could have a class pet it would be the Iguana.Because it is colorful, unusual,and can climb anything.Let me tell you more.

The First reason the iguana should be our school pet is because it is very colorful.It can change from black and white to orange and purple.It can also blend in with its surroundings and if humans could do that too it would take hours to play hide and seek.I love watching iguanas change colors in there cages.

The Second reason I think iguanas should be our school pet is because they are really unusual just like the school.They can look in two directions at one time and there body is very unusual.They can also shoot there tongue out so fast to get a bug it takes slowmo technology to see there tongue catch a bug.They spell unusual in every way.

The Third reson why a Iguana should be our class pet is because they can climb eneything.They can clime glass with these little hooks on there hands that grab on and don't let go.We know this because scientist look at there hands with microscopes and look at the little hooks on there hands.I would like to climb anything like a iguana.

If we could have a school pet I would choose the iguana and now you know why, because they are colorful,unusual,and can climb anything.
today I finished my one lesson.I was on my last lesson for agetives and now I am done with that.It took some time but I did it with 100%.


today I want to do one lesson.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


today I finished my session and it was fun.I was able to finish it because I payed attention and because of that it was a breeze. I leaned about antinems today witch was ok but I already know about antanems.


today I am going to do one session.

Monday, August 8, 2011